What is Necessary Information and What May Overload Your Employee?

Here at C & C Engineering we have found that by asking these two questions, we were able to improve employee comprehension of policies and procedure and minimize catastrophic accidents.

Does the training match the employees field reality?

What the Industry Standard doesn’t inform you of, is that procedure documentation types vary. This means there is not an “exact set standard for procedures, as they can vary depending on company size and industry.” 

Which is why C & C and our field experts do all training in house customizing each lesson to pertain directly to company policy and standards. We went ahead and threw out our old IIPP binder and created one that is tailored to the type of work we do. We then added company specified details like; how to document permits, who is in charge during what time and what to do if an accident occurs. As long as regulations are covered and minimum requirements are met, your training can be specific to company standards for better employee comprehension.
No more irrelevant information, keeping the training focused on employee field relaity means for a more knowlegable staff .

Does your employee really retain the training information?

When you send employees to a training they are often trying to keep up with the time allotted agenda. They are rapidly taking notes and probably are not asking the questions they should as they arise. We ask a series of questions during all training exercises while prompting employees to do the same.

Here at C & C Engineering we focus on answering those questions that can really have an impact on life or death situations. We give scenarios directly related to the type of machinery and equipment we maintain and install. On top of outlining our tainings with special scenarios we also do a real life walk through of the procedure that is being trained. For example with our LOTO Training we do a complete “how to” of the steps that are to be performed with actual equipment. 
No more unfocused and confused employees, keeping the training interactive means making the information stick. 


No more wasting money on a training that no one learned from.

C & C Engineering does not sell safety training and is by no means soliciting professional training or safety advice.