What’s at the Top of Your Maintenance Plan?

Tips & Tricks of the Trade

We know the technicians and maintenance crews at your facility are in charge of making sure machinery is running smoothly and production is on track. It helps to come up with a checklist so maintenance is recorded and assessed properly.



So here are just a few things you can focus on to prevent breakdowns.

  • Take inventory and assess risk

Take inventory of all equipment used in production and assess each hazard that can potentially Transpire. (i.e. worn bearings or belts).

  • Set a schedule and optimize timing

Schedule regular maintenance checks by using your manufacturers guide.

(Your guide often comes with daily, monthly, and year-long maintenance tasks.) Such as frequent oil changes.

  • Document proper procedures

Create an accessible location where all documentation is kept. (At C & C, Our employees have an app that tracks maintenance items and reminders.)

  • Keep necessary items and equipment on-hand

Keep specific tools and items on hand that correlate with the maintenance of that equipment.

Keeping detailed maintenance records is important for random safety standard inspections and pinpointing the cause of the breakdown. Equipment that has a high frequency of breakdowns can be evaluated for replacement.

Don’t hesitate to call us for those tricky replacements and complicated adjustments we’re here to make your production year run smoothly!